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Love as a Healing Force

Through love we can heal and become whole again.

With loving actions and felt awareness we can experience our oneness, our universal relatedness.

Love as a Healing Force, Laskow

by Leonard Laskow

Love is the most powerful healing energy and catalyst for transformation. Our inability to love ourselves or to receive love from others is the source of most of our maladies. Our difficulties with love often result from early childhood experiences or perceptions of betrayal, abandonment, humiliation, or rejection, which lead to feelings of unworthiness, shame, and guilt. These deep-seated feelings result in a sense of separation from self, from one’s own body and spirit, and from other people. While this perceived separation may at first be the psyche’s effort to defend itself from fear, isolation, and pain, it eventually becomes the source of continual feelings of separation, alienation, and anxiety.

Three Aspects of Love

Love, as I refer to it here, has three aspects: awareness, feeling, and action. Love is our awareness of the inherent connection that we share with everything else; we experience it as a feeling; and we express it as an action. Thus, love is the felt sense of knowing we are a part of everything, a recognition that each of us is a part of a vast, universal order. These connecting, unifying qualities make love the subtlest and most powerful of all energies, which is why it lies at the heart of our healing work.

Behind and between the awareness, feeling, and action of love is the energy of being — the energy of the Self. When these three aspects of the energy of love become coherent, your being universalizes, extending beyond itself to become one with All.

If we view love as a universal pattern of resonant energy, we begin to recognize it as an energetic pattern that can influence other energies to move toward wholeness and healing. Our universe can be thought of as a matrix of consciousness that emerged out of the void. Love is the connecting glue of unifying consciousness in the universe and is ever-present whether we are aware of it or not.

In discussing love, I often use the term resonance. When we begin to resonate lovingly with another person or thing, we become aware (consciously or unconsciously) of two vibrational systems: the self and the other — I and thou. Each separate individual or thing can operate as both a sender and a receiver as it vibrates at its particular frequency. When the waves of energy of each system vibrate at the same frequency, the result is a coupled resonance. With resonant awareness comes a felt connection, an awareness that you have been met.

Love is the most powerful healing energy and catalyst for transformation.

The loving feelings we experience toward another person are directly related to the resonant link we establish with that person. When in resonance with another person (or thing) you may experience a pleasant or even profound sense of your connectedness with her or him. Resonance with another person is often accompanied by a strong sense of what the person is thinking and feeling, along with empathy for him or her. It is as if a silent communication conveyed a special understanding and warmth that transcends the exchange of words; so it is that communication is established at an energetic level.

Although resonance is a quality of love, merely coming into resonance with others is not to be mistaken for love. For example, you can resonate with another person’s anger, fear, or sadness. Love includes but is not limited to resonance. With love there is also the feeling and awareness of being connected with another in a way that moves us toward harmony and unity.

Love can also become our state of being, characterized by the feeling and awareness of relatedness. Through the energy of love we are able to resonate not just with a special person but with our own self, with all others, with nature, and with everything else in our universe and beyond. The sense of wonder we experience when we regard a spectacular mountain vista is a felt awareness of and a resonance with nature. When love becomes second nature to us, it becomes our state of being.

Levels of Love

Love can be experienced at the physical level, the personality level, and the higher levels of the transpersonal self. Love at the spiritual level filters down to the personality and physical levels, where it is expressed in thoughts and feelings, words and deeds. The quality of the experience of love is different at each of these levels.

When we begin to experience love at the spiritual level, the heartfelt love of our soul merges the lower and higher levels of loving awareness. At these transpersonal levels, love is characterized by resonances such as compassion, caring, peace, gratitude, and joy. As these levels evolve, our feelings and thoughts gradually dissolve into a transcendent awareness of oneness, a state of bliss, no longer aware of the object of our relatedness but only its energetic essence. This state of love is unconditional love.

Unconditional Love

Conditional Love

Loving Expressions

The Power of Love

Unconditional love is the most readily transmittable of all the universal energies. Any information or energy pattern, any thought or feeling, that is conveyed or linked with loving energy will have a greater effect than any other transmission of subtle energy. Thus, its multidimensional pervasiveness and its capacity to serve as a universal vehicle for information makes love the most powerful of all healing energies.

While love can take many forms, its essence is relatedness.

Through conscious awareness of the relatedness that comes with unconditional love, the sense of separation disappears. Without separation, time and space dissolve, because they are simply measures of separation that we have structured and imposed on the universe. Similarly, without separation there is no loss of energy, no entropy. The suspension of time and space allows for the natural order and harmony inherent in the subatomic particles, atoms, molecules, cells, and tissues to unfold. Thus, unconditional loving energy is the most potent force in the cosmos.

Excerpts from the book 'Healing with Love'

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