When love finds the unity it seeks, all further seeking stops

Excerpt from the book Choose Peace Now
There is a natural relationship between Oneness and love because it is the nature of love to remember and seek unity. When love finds the unity it seeks, all further seeking stops. And when we awaken to the Oneness that is our inherent nature, we realize how much energy we have expended to maintain the illusion of separation. Whenever we feel tossed and thrown by the waves of circumstance and condition, it is helpful to remember the Ocean of Awareness, the ultimate reality.
And yet the illusion of separation is so much a part of our culture, our neurobiology, and such a big part of our self-identity, that we find it hard to imagine who we would be or what we would do without these "precious" wounding stories.
As I have said, in my decades of practice I have found that all suffering, and most illness, can be traced back to this perceived sense of separation. There is a part of ourselves that we find too painful to hold in consciousness. So we separate from it. We disconnect from it, deny it, reject it, repress it, or project it onto others.
Early in our lives or perhaps in our mother's womb, something happened that caused us to feel we're not good enough or not loved, or that our existence is a mistake or a burden. In order to hold ourselves separate from this painful part, we simultaneously separate from others, from the world around us, and most profoundly, from our spiritual essence – from Source.
Now, of course, distinctions are a necessary part of daily life. As we saw earlier in the Ocean of Awareness metaphor, in order for life to exist and reflect upon itself, awareness becomes aware of itself, creating consciousness, the first distinction. Then, consciousness divides itself into subject and object, creating duality, which is just the appearance of separation. Finally, consciousness forgets its Oneness, giving rise to the egoic experience of being a separate self – a stranger in a strange land.
In essence, the Game of Awakening is about forgetting and separating from Oneness and then remembering and returning to ever-present Oneness.
Excerpt from the book Choose Peace Now
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